Diplomatic Spouse’s Association Charity Gala ConcertThe Diplomatic Spouse’s Association (DSA) has always prided itself for supporting Czech charities year in and year out. Unfortunately,...
The Friends of ThailandArticle/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/the-friends-of-thailand?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=25022021_Tdenn_news...
75th ANNIVERSARYOF THE NATIONAL DAY OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Article/Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/75th-anniversary?utm_s...
Virginia Hesse“I knew of Praha and Bratislava before coming here” Article/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/interviews/virginia-hesse?utm_source=send...
Petr Sklenička“Our Smart Landscape project is attracting attention around the world” Article/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/interviews/petr-skleni...
Ureerat Chareontoh“We are opening new areas for cooperation between the Czech Republic and Thailand” Article/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/interviews...
Sotiris Foutsis“I am very confident about UNYP students and graduates” Article/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/interviews/sotiris-foutsis?utm_source...
Tanja Strniša“My role is to promote positive exchange among nations” Article/Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/interviews/tanja-strnisa?utm_source=se...
63rd ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE DAY OF GHANA RECEPTIONArticle/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/63rd-anniversary-of-the-independence-day-of-ghana-reception?utm_source=sendin...
Myanmar Independence Day72nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of My Article/ Link: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/my...
Grand Opening of PragArtworks GalleryPragArtworks Gallery located in the artsy district of Vinohrady is tailored to meet the needs of sophisticated Art lovers looking for a...
Austrian National DayDiplomatic Event Entire article here: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/austrian-national-day-2?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_me...
Reception on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of KoreaEntire article here: https://www.czechleaders.com/photogalleries/reception-on-the-occasion-of-the-national-day-of-the-republic-of-korea?u...
ET CETERA STREET ARTET CETERA STREET ART “On the wings of freedom” 20.09|03.10 2019 Embassy of Italy in Prague The Eleutheria Foundation in collaboration...
Reception on the occasion of the celebration of Fete du Trone (Morocco National Day)H. E. Hanane Saadi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco hosted the traditional Throne Day reception marking the 20th anniversary of the...
Mango the MagnificentMango & Food Festival and Cultural EveningHost for the evening: H.E. AmbassadMango, King of Fruits, is known in the world for its excellent flavour, attractive fragrance, beautiful shades of colour, delicious...
Thai Market: Dobrý den z ThajskaOn 19 September 2019, the Royal Thai Embassy in Prague, in collaboration with Team Thailand offices in Prague, namely Thai Trade Office,...